Place silent bids for quilts until Friday, August 9, 2024 at 10 PM.
You are placing a proxy bid for a live auction, this is not a silent auction.
Bidding at the live auction will not start at the highest proxy bid.
Lutherdale designates proxy bidders that will sit in the crowd and bid for you.
We do not start the live auction at the bid you submitted. Therefore, it is possible to have a tie. In the event of a tie, the winning bid will go to the bidder present.
Please note your bids must be in $25 increments ($25, $50, $75, etc). If the bid you submitted is not in a $25 increment, it will be changed to the lower increment. For example, if your bid was $135, your bid will now be $125.
Bids on multiple quilts may be placed. Only one bid per form may be submitted.
All proxy bidders who had the winning high bid will be called on Monday, August 12.
In placing a proxy bid, you agree that if your bid becomes the highest bid on the day of the sale, you will make full payment when you pick up the item or before shipment.
Pick up or shipment must be within 10 days of notification.
If you have questions, please contact Rhonda Van Antwerp at rhonda@lutherdale.org