Enneagram has been used since ancient times to help build healthy communities by understanding our strengths and weakness. Pastor Bob will teach about the gifts and challenges to each type. Together we will explore why the Enneagram has been so helpful to spiritual directors for many years.
Rev. Dr. Robert Driver-Bishop has a transformational doctorate in spirituality and provides comprehensive spiritual direction and organizational guidance. He served as the national Director of Interpretation for ELCA. Pastor Bob is dedicated to leading spiritual gifts workshops on the organic Enneagram or the scientifically based Strength Finders and has advanced certification in both.
Arrival Tuesday 3-5 pm.
Retreat begins with dinner.
Retreat concludes on Thursday following lunch.
Virtual ZOOM participants will receive a meeting room invitation for the following times -
Oct 25, 7 - 9 pm * Oct 26 & 27, 9 am - Noon